Naples SWFL Online Website


This comprehensive product was created to provide a fully functioning website to utilize an electronic method to sell multiple properties (or anything else) as explained in the Sell it Faster Ebook. The Auction/Round Robin method of selling your property is designed for Do it Yourselfers looking to save money and time. This product comes with a wordrpress theme and child theme, as well as plugins needed to run your own successful campaign.

You will need your own domain/url. The basic configuration will be installed, allowing you to customize the site with your details.

This powerful website is designed for  institutions, Agencies and companies selling multiple properties. It can also be used for selling other products and not just property.

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This website was created to help people gain access to a fully functioning website to utilize an electronic method to sell multiple properties (or anything else) as explained in the Sell it Faster Ebook. The Auction/Round Robin method of selling your property is designed for Do it Yourselfers looking to save money and time. This product comes with a wordrpress theme and child theme, and necessary plugins needed to run your own successful campaign.

You will need your own domain/url. The basic configuration will be installed, allowing you to customize the site with your details.

This product is available for Agents, Brokerages, owners and investors looking to sell in larger scale than the EZbid website, as it is more customizable and flexible.  Agents may also want to use this product to showcase their listings as the settings allow for traditional sales method or auction.

This package comes with everything you need to get started. It does NOT include customization, but we have a service where partners are willing to do that for you if necesary.

  • Licensed Wordpress Theme with unlimited updates
  • Child Theme
  • Plugins for security and functioning auction.
  • Support by Email to get you started.
  • Multiple Pages to provide rules, control registration, bidding, contact.

A Demo is set up and you can customize it according to your needs,

View the Product here

Please make sure of your decision, as this is a non-refundable purchase.

Allow 5 to 7 days for delivery.