We are living in uncertain times. Be Flexible.

Home ownership has been applauded as a desirable cornerstone of building wealth, and I couldn’t agree more.

The challenge is finding affordable housing in a location where we want to live.

Our lives are often in flux, with some seen, some unforseen events wrecking havoc with our plans.

Job changes, lifestyle desires, kids leaving home (or coming back!) impact our need for space.

Perceived high crime areas, restrictive government policies, and high tax zones are being evacuated for more attractive alternatives.

Covid-19 has also caused many workers to work from home rather than using the daily commute. We don’t know how long this will go on. Consider carefully before making expensive alterations to your home.

Coordinating a game plan for your next action steps is the most important thing you can do if you are planning on moving.

There is a logical sequence that can be followed AFTER your unique situation is evaluated.

The real estate industry has so much information available the process can seem overwhelming.

Reach out to us when you need a helping hand to sort through the bewidering choices.

We can probably save you time and money and give you peace of mind as well.