Students in DEBT

Students in DEBT

Students in DEBT

Debt Ratios holding you back?

The promise of home ownership has been made available to everyone. When mortgage money is tight and lenders are sitting on their hands, why not look into creative financing? The players in this niche specialize in exploring Legal ways to help you get your foot in the door.



Niche Debt consolidation
Vendor Students in DEBT

Professional Assistance

Move beyond your current frustration and seemingly hopeless debt. We have counseled thousands of people just like you.

Call us today for a free, no obligation meeting to help you on the path to removing these barriers from your life.

Financial Literacy

Why not begin by starting with some ideas by financial professionals like Robert T. Kiyosaki?

Life is what we decide to make of it

OWNER Financing

OWNER Financing

OWNER Financing


Loans, Investors

Niche Creative Financing
Vendor OWNER Financing

Seller Financing

Some sellers will agree to finance all or a portion of the agreed upon home price. Most are not willing to or are unable to do so. The players in this niche are experts and I will help you locate and structure the deals.

Your Business Tagline Goes Here

This page is being used to demonstrate a typical anchored Vendor site that  you can use to showcase your offering. It could be a single page homowner site, or lead generation to your home page if you have a website for example.

Additional Features

Additonal content goes here to further describe your product or service.

Learn More About Creative Financing




Money Talks

Without capital and enough resources for cash flow needs, projects are doomed to failure before they even begin. Line up your funding with these capitalists and angel investors.



Niche Loans
Vendor kapital

Alternative Lenders

Investors with cash can help fund your project, even a single family residence. With CD’s yielding minimal returns, there are some who will consider lending you some money provided you can satisfy their appetite for risk.

BS Walks

Avoid the Daisy Chain of Lenders who are middlemen with no contacts for Live Capital. If you ave a ood investment that can witstand our scrutiny, we have bonafide lenders who can help you secure funding.

Ready to Submit Your Proposal to Our Lender Network ?




Serving the Military

Proudly serving Military Members and Their Families

“Since 1922, we have stood by our members. We’ve provided years of guidance and assistance — from helping establish financial independence, to raising a family, to retirement.”

In the military, as in any organization, giving the order might be the easiest part.

Execution is the real game.

Russel Honore

Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans

Quicken Loans

They have “Reinvented the Mortgage Process to Put the Power in Your Hands”.

Get Approved Fast.

Get an approval to buy a home or refinance your mortgage in minutes.

The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore.

It will be the fast beating the slow.

Rupert Murdoch